Hobbies and Sports part 1 ////////////////////////// Global Cycling Network Gopher to: cycling.org This is bicycling not recycling folks! Lists, links and info of all sorts of bicycling topics including races, design and fitness oriented articles. Check out the "Other Cycling Resources" on the Internet Menu list and link there to find even more (and sometimes better) info. Look Ma - no hands! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unicycling Home Page http://nimitz.mcs.kent.edu/~bkonarsk This site has a well done FAQ file, photos, cartoons and an animation clip Since this seems to be the *only* unicycling page on the web I guess this is where you should surf to get more info on the sports hobby. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gardening Resources gopher to: gopherleviathan.tamu.edu contains the Master Gardener archives and Q&A Web site: http://www.olympus.net/gardens/welcome.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Univ. of Delaware AGINFO Gopher (Agricultural Info Gopher) Gopher to: bluehen.ags.udel.edu Created by the Univ of Del College of Agricultural scientists, this site offers a wealth of information to the landscaper and gardener. This vast archive is filled with information to help many amateur and profesiional growers as well. The AGINFO plant database and Cooperative Extension directories are filled with information on thousands of plant species and provide graphics and pictures on every type of shrub and tree imaginable. Also offered are Garden Check and The Vegetable Grower newsletters and links to other sources of gardening and agricultural information including lawn care and how bwst to prevent or stop fungus and diseases. Before you start to dig the ground - get on over and dig through this archive site. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roses FAQ site http://www.mc.edu/local/nettles/rofaq-top.html FTP to: rtfm.mit.edu in the --> /pub/usenet/news.answers/gardens/roses-faq If you need wonderfully written and concise information on growing roses - then look no further than this well done FAQ on rose care and growing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Texas A&M Horticultural Program http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/ A complete agricultural information site. Includes many links to other agricultural sites and also has a lot of info on gardening, Cooperative Extension Services and a disease control handbook. Links to Cornell Univ, Virginia Tech Consumer Horticultural Information Site and many others make this a complete and well-done site. Weed and pest control and organic gardening issues round out a veritable gold mine of green thumb info. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GardenNet http://www.olympus.net/gardens/welcome.html Has a plethora of information on gardening related subjects and links to many Gardening Associations. Also contains links to garden catalogs with special emphasis on flowers and roses. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-H Horticultural Publications at Virginia Tech Gopher to: gopher.ext.vt.edu in the --> /VCE Subject/Horticulture/Consumer/General/Children's note: you can select each directory and browse in there while you travel onward towards the final /Children's directory where this particular archive is housed. You may want to stop and check out the /Horticulture directory for other related horticultural information and archives. All sorts of information here that is wide and broad in scope. This is a great place to start your horticultural info-trek because everything from growing sprouts for salads to ornamental plantings to gardening tips are located here. Organic growing info and organic pest remedies are here too along with how to spot and diagnose problems and plant diseases. All this information is in an easy to understand and easy to read fashion. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NASCAR Auto Racing pages http://www2.msstate.edu:80/~rls3/ http://www.acpub.duke.edu/~jwcarp/nascarhome One of my personal favorite sports. Gant is sadly missed around my house every race Sunday... there just won't be another like 'em and the ol' #33 "Bandit" just ain't the same folks... ah well... it looks like the young drivers coming up are set to rule the ovals soon... but don't EVER count out Earnhardt, Rusty or Martin. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Racer Archive http://www.eng.hawaii.edu/Contribs/carina/ra.home.page.html Lots of track stats, schedules, info and driver bio's and a very good group of links to other related racing pages. This place is full of information and facts related to racing (NASCAR, Formula 1, Indy, etc) but if you're looking for pictures and images - use the links to go elsewhere. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MPEG Movie Archive (US Racing Mirror site) http://www.rpi.edu/~salicg/mpeg-index.html Auto racing movie clips that are all in MPEG format. Mostly Formula 1 and Grand Prix movies but a few others are here as well. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sports WWW http://www.atm.ch.cam.ac.uk/sports/ OK - sports fans! Get your fix of sports info here! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hang Gliding WWW Server Home Page http://cougar.stanford.edu:7878/HGMPSHomePage.html Lots of Hang Gliding information including way cool images, movies and other assorted stuff on Hang Gliding. Also offers a Hang Gliding FAQ and a searchable database of HG info. There are software simulators and even a "soaring weather forecaster" to determine good gliding days. Impressive! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inline Online Skating page http://galaxy.einet.net/galaxy/Leisure-and-Recreation/Sports/daniel-chick/ io_org.html A very new offering on the web scene and almost empty of anything. Look for this page to expand as the authors are devoted and committed to the sport. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Philadelphia In-Line Skating http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~mengwong/phl.skating.html Lots of info on inline skating and lots of specific info for all those Philly skaters. Like where best to skate and what areas frown on it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CricInfo (The Cricket Gopher) Gopher to: cricinfo.cse.ogi.edu 7070 Everything here from the Laws of Cricket to game rules and explanations to tons of Cricket box scores world-wide dating from the 1800s to current time Even if you're not into Cricket - you just might be after burrowing here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- College Nicknames Web page http://grove.ufl.edu/~florida/sports.html Are you ready for this? This page was made by Adam Smargon and lists hundreds of colleges' and Universities' sports nicknames. Like the Delaware Blue Hens, Temple Owls, Michigan Wolverines and the Miami Hurricanes. Of course there are many others that you may (or may not) know. The schools here come from around the world and it's neat to see the similarities and differences of all these nicknames of sports teams. Now here's fuel for lots of trivial pursuit questions... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skydive Archive http://www.cis.ufl.edu/skydive/ Offers in depth training (via a well written FAQ and online manuals) and all sorts of info and statistics on Skydiving. FAA restrictions and guide- lines are here too including skydiving movie clips and lots of links to other Skydiving pages on the web. This is a great archive and place to get info on the hobby/sport for both beginner and seasoned pro. Great stuff! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vet info http://io.com/user/tittle/ivc/homepage.html Archives of the Internet Vet columns and "ask the vet" docs. Valuable source of information for pet owners everywhere. Contains links to other veternarian and pet care information and sites dealing with pet health and nutrition. A good resource and guide for pet owners. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doggy Page (Dog items available via WWW) http://www.onramp.net/imagemaker For the complete dog lover - don't leave home without this URL! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ferret home page http://www.ceas.rochester.edu:8080/ee/users/rhode/index.html Sure you wouldn't like a dog or cat? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tennis Server home page http://arganet.tenagra.com/Racquet_Workshop/Tennis.html Everything you wanted to know about tennis but were afraid to ask. Has both current and past information including other links to tennis info. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- World-Wide Web of Sports http://tnswww.lcs.mit.edu/cgibin/sports Hey sports fans - you can almost feel the action from your easy chair. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TotalSwimm: Swimming Cyber-Coaching http://fas.sfu.ca/1/cs/people/GradStudents/zalane/personal/totalswim The director of Total Immersion Swim Camps is Terry Laughlin and he has created a set of nine articles that may revolutionaize how competetive swimmers can achieve better results and faster times through his methods. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ESPN Sports Network Web Page http://espnet.sportszone.com One of the ultimate sports pages. Check it out! ESPN has put up a terrific web page that has great information and great links updated almost by the minute. This is total sports for the sports afficianado. Includes all sorts of articles, discussions, photos and in-depth coverage of all sports and sports related topics. Soon to include audio and video clips and also planned is a ticketing service where you can purchase tickets for all major sporting events right on the web from the comfort of your easy chair. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Running Page http://sunsite.unc.edu:80/drears/running/running.html If you jog, run or walk for excercise then look no further than this page. Everything you wanted or needed to know is here about running et al. Marathon schedules, charity events and a geographical outlay of all the running clubs in the US are here. Also included is a place for users to enter their "personal best" times and marks. Contains many links to other related information including newsgroups and print publications. If you're into running or jogging - run don't walk to this page. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gardening Gopher (The Virginia Cooperative Extension Gopher) Gopher to: gopher.ext.vt.edu:70/11/vce-data/hort/consumer Horticulural info, gardening tips, pest management, ecological news, info concerning the environment and plant fact sheets. If it grows and it's green - chances are they have the information you'll need. From Tulips to turnips this has it all. Fantastic! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iceland Cave Exploration http://www.strengur.is/~throstur/cave/cave.html For cave explorers and spelunkers everywhere. Caves - Iceland style. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agricultural Gopher (PENPAGES) Gopher to: penpages.psu.edu The Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences archives over 13,000 files including newsletters, reports, bibliographies and fact sheets. Also contains sources from many other Universities such as the Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State and Ohio State. You'll be digging around in here for a long time - hope you "root" out what you came for! The searchable database is sure to help you out. Happy horticulture! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chile-Heads Home Page http://chile.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu:8000/www/chile.html Included here is the "Chile-Heads" mailing list, a chile pepper archive, tips on growing, harvesting, preserving and drying chiles and hot peppers (cayennes, jalapenos,serranos and more) and also a section on the science aspect of spiciness. Capsaicinoids are the culprits of spiciness and much information is on this subject. There are also a few recipes and the fantastic "Chile Gallery" where pictures and photos reside of almost every type of hot pepper known to man including what they look like unripe and ripe, ready for picking. If you like chiles then surf on over here! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Garden Gate WWW site http://www.prairienet.org/ag/garden/homepage.htm Contains an invaluable collection of gardening resources including many pointers to other related information. Has links to subjects such as "The Teaching Garden", Internet Resources, virtual gardens to visit and lots more. One of the coolest "garden spots" on the internet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Frisbee Page http://raptor.sccs.swarthmore.edu/~dalewis/frisbee.html A great group of links made by David Lewis that is a Frisbee thrower's dream. Even has official Frisbee rules and info on the Ultimate Player's Association. Practice your wrist action on the keyboard as you fly here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultimate Frisbee http://pipkin.lut.ac.uk/~scott/ultimate.html Contains the rec.sport.disk newsgroup FAQ and lots of frisbee tips and rules for the recreational sport. The WFDF (World Flying Disc Federation) is represented here and so are lots of articles and snippets which deal with throwing techniques and trick throws and catches. Great links to many other "flying disk" and frisbee oriented pages and resources make this a good site to start learning or checking out the frisbee scene world-wide. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sports Schedules as you like 'em http://www.cs.rochester.edu/u/ferguson/schedules Sysop George Ferguson has provided all of us with schedules for American and National Hockey leagues, Major League Baseball, National, Canadian and Australian Football Leagues and the NBA scedules as well. A Forms-based searching tool is provided for quick retrieval of what you want. There is even a link to Interface Features which explains how to do a search even if your Web browser doesn't support forms - hey I need to read this part. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Covering NCAA College Basketball http://www.nando.net/sports/bkb/1994/col/college.html Complete (and I mean complete) coverage of NCAA play including women's basketball. It takes big pipes to make this come at you fast but it's worth the wait on a 14.4 connection. Scores, stats, Asoociated Press articles, AP Top 25 polls, weekly scedules and lots more. Jump ball! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Internet Chess servers Telnet to: ics.onenet.net 5000 Telnet to: chess.lm.com 5000 log-in as "guest" until you register (note: on many chess servers after logging in - type "help address" and you will be presented with a list of other great telnet chess sites!) Always someone on your level to play with or challenge a Grandmaster! Keep a chessboard handy to help you visualize the play. Checkmate. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pete's WWW Golf Page http://ausg.dartmouth.edu/~pete/golf/ A golfer's heaven on the Internet. More info than you can shake a stick... er... driver at. If it's about golf - then this page has it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golf Archives web page http://dunkin.princeton.edu There's more links here than a country full of golf courses. This is IMHO the most complete Golf site available. Between this page and Pete's page there isn't any divot unturned when it comes to golf info. Period. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 19th Hole http://www.tr-riscs.panam.edu/golf/19thhole.html A new golf page that has decent links to many other golf related pages and includes golf info and tidbits of its own. Lots of links and golf stats including USGA, PGA, LPGA, Seniors Tour and more! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major League Baseball Schedule http://www.cs.rochester.edu/cgi-bin/ferguson/mlb Complete schedules for all Major Leage baseball teams. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason Kint's Baseball Web http://pear.wustl.edu/~jekint/baseball.html Holy cow! This site is awesome! If you're into baseball and baseball facts and stats then surf here pronto. Tons of links and tons of info from major league schedules, scores, news, standings to which radio and TV stations broadcast which games. This is a great site and the amount of links and info available here grows daily. A great site. Batter up! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WWW Sports Server http://www.nando.net/sptsserv.html I'm sure this site is mentioned elsewhere in the BIGSurf list but it's sooo good - that another mention won't hurt. For the complete Sports Junkie. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volley Ball World-Wide http://www.cup.hp.com/~vball/ Complete history and FAQ docs and an entire listing of all Volley Ball leagues and schedules. Voley Ball is an international sport and so the info and links are on a global level. For Volley Ball lovers everywhere! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- J.P.'s Fishing Page http://www.geo.mtu.edu/~jsuchosk/fish/fishpage Cast your web browsers over here to this page and you won't be let down! All sorts of fishing info from deep sea to fly resides here. This is the "best catch" of fishing pages out there. You'll get "hooked" on this page. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stanford Univ Footbag Club http://gregorio.stanford.edu/footbag/SUFC.html The "Hacky Sack" page devoted to this sport/recreation. And I thought that Stanford students were busy studying... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Footbag Worldwide http://www.footbag.org Lots of footbag information. (Hacky Sack is a registered trademark of the Wham-O Corporation and so it can't be used on a public basis - you'd think the the folks at Wham-O would want to have its products publicized and get exposure to the hobby/sport - go figure...) In any case, this site offers info on playing footbag, the IFAB rules of play and help on choosing the proper footbag and what shoes to wear while playing. Hey - these folks take their hobby/sport seriously and it shows. There are collections of clips including sound, pictures and movies that relate to playing footbag. There is even a competition list for upcoming tournaments. Much more here... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIKIDO FAQ archive http://www.ii.uib.no/~kjartan/aikido.html also FTP to: cs.ucsd.edu in the --> /pub/aikido Provides an insightful and informative look into this Japanese martial art. Both physical and mental discipline are dealy with. Aikido terminology as well as dojo sites and other resources in your area can be found. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCUBA Archive http://www.opal.com/aquanaut/pyee.html FTP to: ames.arc.nasa.gov in the --> /pub/SCUBA A lot of info - in fact a TON of info but none of it seems to be well organized. Many texts merely have the SCUBA or dive site listed and nothing more. Experienced divers will probably dive right in but the beginner may have a hard time of it. Plenty of reading here and if you're willing to wade through the documents - there's a lot of good info available. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- America's Cup Online http://www.ac95.org:80/index.html All sorts of America's Cup info but it remains to be seen whether this page is a fairly paermanent resource or if it will be gone by the end of this season. Check in the future at the same address only change the "95" to the current year (example: www.ac96.....). Also contains the history, stats and other relevant info to the Cup. Includes info on the Louis Vuitton Cup and a host of other sailing race info. Did you know that a budget for one team to race in the America's Cup is $15 million minimum and that a racing yacht can be typically $3 million and up ? Whew... that's a lot of canvas! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windsurfing Resources on the WWW http://www.dsg.cs.tcd.ie:80/dsg_people/afcondon/windsurf/windsurf_home.html Sailboarding and other windsurf info are here in one of the best designed pages on the WWW. Graphics of all sorts and info on world-wide places to go are also included. Sail on over here - it's a **** four star site! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edmund's Automobile Buyer's Guide Gopher to: gopher.enews.com select "electronic car showroom" then select "Edmund's Automobile Buyers Guides" This is a well done list that is organized by car model, manufacturer, price, or size class. Contains valuable info on prices and suggestive ways to get the best deal on a car. Not much info on used cars but this page is really designed with the new car buyer in mind. If you are shopping for a new car - get on down to this page pronto! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pick-Up Truck Home Page http://www.rtd.com:80/~mlevine/pickup.html A very informative page that has a guide to all the domestic and imported pick-ups on the marketplace. Has inside info on many models and even has info on pick-up models that are still "on the drawing board". Also has info on all upcoming Monster Truck events and plans to include info on the racing Super Truck series. Links to other truck related pages round out the site. If you're a pick-up fan - spin your tires on over here. Good stuff! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DealerNet http://www.dealernet.com/ http://dealernet.com http://dealernet.com/preowall.html Use your web browser to visit virtual auto showrooms and places that offer auto related services. Won't ever take the place of an actual test drive - but this a way to check out what's available before you decide to kick the tires and go to a dealer for a test drive. Commercial but informative. You can also find used cars and auto parts using the /preowall.html page. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classic Car Connection http://www.primenet.com/~dadalus/classic.html A world-wide guide to all sorts of classic and prized collectible cars. Great pictures and high price tags make for an interesting web resource. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Webfoot's Used Car Lot http://pond.cso.uiuc.ed/ducky/cars/national.car.lot.html Not as crazy as it sounds. This site has links to various classified lists of used cars for sale across the US. A good place to start your used car search. This site grows daily as the number of links expands quickly. Also includes tips on car buying and care care and maintenance topics. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoPages on the Internet http://www.clark.net/pub/networx/autopage/autopage.html This web page deals mostly with exotics, specialty and sports cars. Great images of some fabulous cars along with a wide range of content. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotrods World Wide http://www.america.net/com/hotrods/hrhome.html A place on the web devoted to hotrods and custom cars. Links to other associated web pages as well as hotrodding tips and pictures of mean 'rods. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Learn About Antiques web page http://www.ic.mankato.mn.us/antiques/Antiques.html Not a great site - but a good site. This is a new page and a work that is still very much in the process of expanding. There is info on a wide variety of antique topics but not each topic has in-depth info. There is also a few graphics but many are very low resolution and muddy. I hope the authors of this site can improve it for there is a need for a web page devoted to antique pleasures and antique info for collectors. For now, a better place to learn and inquire about antiques is the Usenet newsgroup: rec.antiques Here you will find better and more relevant information. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet Online Offshore Casino and Sports Book http://www.casino.org/cc An ongoing experiment in online gambling. Like a virtual Las Vegas! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Corr's Tap Dance page http://www.hahmann.edu/tap The main site of this project has seven pages of assorted links! Included is the complete history of tap dancing, a tap glossary, bibliography of tap related sources, list of films that include tap dancing, theater and stage productions with tap, Internet dancing resource links, tap trivia and more. This is THE definitive tap dancing page on the web. Period. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wonderful World of Barbie http://deepthought.armory.com/~zenugirl/barbielingo.html http://deepthought.armory.com/~zenugirl/barbie.html More than you ever wanted to know about that plastic fantastic girl. Includes the Plastic Princess Collector Page and many links to other Barbie topics. A Barbie glossary and Barbie discussion are only a few of the Barbie related items here. For the Barbie enthusiast! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yucatan Underwater Caves http://www.primenet.com/~trog/ScUbAdUdE.html Contains many pictures of underwater caves in and off the Yucatan penninsula area. More photos are being added as folks bring back their scuba diving vacation and research photo albums. Scuba divers paradise! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paddle Information FTP to: ftp.std.com in the --> /nonprofits/canoe.kayak Gopher to: ftp.std.com in gopher select "Non-Profit Organizations" then select "Canoe, Kayak" Dave Reichart has put together a little gem for those who like to canoe or kayak their way through streams, lakes, rivers and oceans. Oceans? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appalachian Trail Home Page http://www.fred.net/kathy/at.html A virtual tour of the entire 2,140 mile trail. You can plan your next trek and explore what the trail has to offer thanks to this complete electronic guide. As you go through each state summaries of what to expect and trail tips will keep the inveterate and well as neophyte trailblazer informed. There is also a wealth of information on backpacking and what equipment you will need and what you won't need. There are personal anecdotes as well as links to other backpacking and trail information. Take a trip on over here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Backcountry Home Page http://io.datasys.swri.edu/Overview.html A good down-home info source mostly gleaned from the usenet newsgroup named "rec.outdoors.backcountry". All sorts of info for "backcountry" travellers, hikers, backpackers and campers. A good outdoors resource. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Scouting Front Door http://iquest.com/~hyper/Scouts A WWW central hub of scouting happenings around the US. Links to many scouting projects and scouting information. Also included are links to scouting facilities and scouting publications. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 Centennial Olympic Games at Atlanta, GA (US) http://www.atlanta.olympic.org Has links and info to Sports and venues, the Official Programme, related travel information, tickets and ticket info, related Olympic events, a "what's new" link and sponsors of the Centennial Olympics. Even though this page reeks of corporate sponsorship (it was co-produced by IBM) it has many informative links and really does have lots of relevant and quality info to make it a good site for finding out more about the 1996 Olympic event. Not for sports fans only... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- National Hockey League on WWW (NHL) http://www.nhl.com Hockey fans - this is the "official" NHL web site and is updated regularly with current info on all aspects of NHL play. Skate over and check it out! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rollercoaster! web page http://www.echonyc.com/~dne/Rollercoaster! Take a ride on the only website that needs a lapbar! Coaster trivia, new attractions, biased rants and raves and lots of cool pix. A Netscape enhanced page set-up (all the new html tags and codes). A Bulletin board is coming soon. Special section started for "wood 'coasters" only. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coaster Compendium http://sunsite.unc.edu/darlene/coaster/coaster.html Has a database of parks with rollercoasters (all types of coaster rides). You can search the database by park, state, name of ride or type of coaster If you enjoy rollercoasters or coaster rides - then this site is for you! This makes a great companion to the above listed "Rollercoaster!" web page. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amusement Parks http://www.yahoo.com/Entertainment/Amusement_Parks/ Visit an amusement or theme park. Ride a virtual roller coaster and more! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GORP (Great Outdoors Page) http://www.gorp.com/ Info and links to all sorts of outdoor activities and things to do whilst in the great outdoors. Some standards and many unusual outdoor activities. Includes links to and info on American National Parks, Nat'l forests, Nat'l Wilderness areas and State Parks, wilderness areas and Wildlife Refuges. The Park data is organized by state listings so it't an easy to use guide. A great way to plan an outdoor trip or activity, this site is excellent. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outdoors Page http://www.yahoo.com/Entertainment/Outdoors/ Has all sorts of info and links to outdoor activities including camping, backpacking, bicycling, boating, rafting, white-water rafting, kayaking, climbing, bungee jumping, and anything else you can imagine doing outdoors. Well... almost anything. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------